
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Monday, June 28, 2004

It is time to start getting political. So many of the pro Kerry supporters are out there, touting their disapproval (the first word which came to mind was hatred) for President Bush. I believe it's time for the Republicans to get on the ball and show our support! I'm sure that there are more than a few of us whose stomachs are turned at the thought of Kerry being elected to office. Let me know I'm not the only conservative knitter out here. :) Email me or comment on my ZonkBoard.

What got me started on this? On the Atlanta Stitch n Bitch yahoo group list there was a post about starting a "Knitting for Kerry" yahoo group. Someone (thankfully!) replied that there should be a "Knitting for Bush" group, and that if anyone was interested, to let her know. I posted immediately that I would be very interested.

This got me thinking about all of the knitting blogs which have liberal, anti-Bush sentiments. Some, I can tolerate. Some, I've come to realize, I can't anymore. I'm taking a stand, and I've added a button showing my support for Bush and Cheney for 2004. I hope the yahoo group pans out. It's time we made some noise, too.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

We were back home by noon today after a morning at the hospital. Everyone there was friendly, helpful, and reassuring. It made the whole thing much easier. I ate a couple pieces of toast before snoozing for about 2 1/2 hours this afternoon. I feel remarkably well. :) Amazing what modern medicine can accomplish.

Besides a wonderful husband who went with me and filled a hard to find prescription for me while I watched TV at home, my mail made my convalescence better. I received my two Rowan knitting magazines, numbers 23 and 25, from eBay. I was told to walk around the home (to prevent blood clots in the legs) and was going to check the mail. I opened the door and my two mags had been propped up against the door. Yippee! I got to look at them while I waited for my other med to be brought home. There are some absolutely beautiful patterns in there. Drool!

Saturday is PINS. I'm not sure if I'm going yet. Daye offered to drive if I wanted to go. I guess it depends how stir-crazy I am at that point. Info--2-5 at Purple Iris Tea Shoppe in Buford. Email me for more info!


Monday, June 21, 2004

First, I would like to thank everyone for the kind thoughts and comments. I love you all, and I really appreciate your support. It's been a hard weekend, but because we knew what the results would be, the conclusive diagnosis today was easier to take. I go in Thursday morning for the D&C and should be back home by lunch time. At this point, I'm ready to get it over with.

On Saturday Maria took me out with the objective of 1--providing a pleasant distraction and 2--letting me pick where I wanted to go. I chose to go to Roswell to see The Cast-On Cottage, an Atlanta yarn shop. We ate lunch at a lovely little bistro, Metanoya, and walked to the shop. It was easy to get to, had a great selection, friendly help, and reasonable prices. I was good! I did not buy a thing! Really!

Maria, however, did. She fell in love with many of the shop models of scarves and shawls. I told her that I would knit up something she saw. She chose a ball of Trendsetter Dune in number 93 and she wanted a yarn over and drop on the next row scarf. She also told me to pick out a ball for myself, her treat. I chose number 84.

We walked around a couple of other boutiques and small galleries and headed home around 3 pm. I got home around five and set about casting on for her scarf. I finished it around 8:30 or so. It was quick and easy!

1 ball Dune
Size 15 needles

CO 14 st
k 1 row

*k1 m1* end k1
k across dropping all yo
*k1 m1* end k1
k across dropping all yo
k 2 rows

Repeat the last six rows until you run out of yarn.

I gave it to her yesterday. (Forgot to take a picture. Doh!) I am nearly finished with my scarf and will post a picture tomorrow. It was a nice, quick, simple distraction from recent events and the big knitting projects I'm currently slogging through. I loved working with this beautiful yarn, and we both love the results.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Miguel and I went in for our first u/s today. We were very excited. I hopped up on the table and the nurse proceeded to do the ultrasound. Couldn't find anything so she did an internal one (I'm glad one of my books talked about that possibility). She still couldn't find anything other than a possible egg sac. Dr. came in and told us we had probably miscarried but would need blood tests to be positive. I had blood drawn today and will again at the hospital on Sunday. Monday we will go in and see about the results. Since there was no heart and only a little bit of tissue to be found, I'm pretty sure that their diagnosis will remain the same. They will next schedule a D&C (must read about that now) and go from there.

We will be trying again when the docs say it's safe. One in five first pregnancies are miscarriages, so it doesn't surprise me that I'm the one. Fatalistic or realistic? Dunno.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Had to add this from Shelley.

Have fun!

Life goes on here. :)

We've been watching the grass grow--literally! We dug up the back and side yards, put down Bermuda seed, and have been watering faithfully. Thank goodness for all the the rain we've been getting. We've got little shoots coming up. Yippee!

I've been slowly knitting on my Rowan cardigan and a little on the silk/cashmere scarf. Also, I've been working on a little surprise (had to rip once, should have ripped again when I saw I was twisting the cables too soon, but not going to).

All's fine with me, too, so far. I've been falling asleep around 11 pm (give or take), then I wake up at 5 am. Fall back to sleep around 7, then get up about 9 am. Some days I get a nap, some days I don't need one. No morning (or whenever!) sickness. Whew! Eating lots of small meals and trying to get as much fruits and veggies as I can stand. :) We go in for the first ultrasound in two days. Can't wait! Hopefully all is well. :)

PINS alert!! June 26th!

Saturday, June 05, 2004

No time (or really energy) for knitting these past couple of days.

Yesterday Maria and I hit a few Atlanta tourist sites. First, we went to do the CNN Behind-the-Scenes Tour. It was very interesting, IMHO. I've been in the food court on the ground level a few times. Once you pass security, you are taken up eight floors up to begin the tour. We saw the sets for CNN, CNN headline News, and the weekend studio. We walked past CNN International and CNN en Espanol. Nifty.

Next, we hit the Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum. Now, Maria and I are staunch Republicans. We went only to say we had been there. Check. I thought it was most interesting seeing who had donated money for the site. Playboy? Yup. Verrry interesting...

Finally, we went to the Margaret Mitchell house. It is not her childhood home, but where she typed (not penned) Gone with the Wind. She was laid up with an ankle injury, and her husband, upon learning that she had read ALL of the book in the local library, urged her to write her own book. And thus, history was made. A very interesting (albeit extremely long) tour. My hint to you--avoid buying anything from the gift shop. Incompetence at its best, I assure you. *hrumph*

After coming home, Miguel had borrowed a tiller (I'm sure it was from the 1950s!) and begin the methodical (and dusty) tearing up of our back and side yards to make way for grass seed. Our front was sodded when originally built, and it looks nice. The back--weeds and a little grass. We decided to start from scratch.

Tiller numero uno was crap. He went and rented one from Home Depot. Some of his family came over to help, and we got about half of the area tilled as of 9 PM. We finished up the second half, cleared away the weeds and grass, spread a first layer of seed, and watered lightly. Miguel went to turn in the tiller and pick up some more grass seed. By tonight, we'll hopefully have the seed, fertilizer, and hay laid. Now, to begin two-a-day watering.

Pray for rain!

(See, not time or energy for knitting!!)