I had so much fun yesterday showing my fellow teachers (and a counselor) to knit. I brought straight and circular needles and some leftover yarn for them to practice on. I cast on for them and showed them the knit stitch. Then, they were off (more of less). I gave them a lot of encouragement as they felt very awkward with the needles I remember that all too well. lol). One of the teachers had even gone out and bought some needles and TLC yarn to learn on.
I also took a few magazines and books of mine to give them ideas of what they would be able to make (if they keep at it). The one who had bought her materials "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed over the projects in "Hip to Knit". I really think she'll learn quickly. The other teacher wasn't as enthusiastic. The counselor is willing to practice, and I think she'll borrow the needles and yarn over the weekend. I'll probably do a few rows to get her started so she can see what it's supposed to look like.
FO--Woohoo! I finished Miguel's socks. They are washing now, and I'll air dry them tonight.
WIP--I'm ready to begin Mom's socks. I have Froelich Wolle "Special" in various blues. I'm not sure of the pattern. Maybe I should "google" to find it out. I'll either do K4, P2 if the colors change rapidly or if not, I might try a twisted stitch pattern of my own. Either way, I'll use my 2 circs.
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