Happy Mothers Day!

I had a very fibery day yesterday. I hit my LYS before lunch. Quilted Hearts has once again expanded their knitting section. The owner greeted me with, "Hi, Nicole!". Always makes me feel good to be known. (Leo, remember?) I showed her my spinning, and she thought it was pretty good (for a beginner, I'm sure). She then showed me some yarn that roving had been spun into by the farm owner. Nice and soft and bulky. I hope/think mine will be that soft once I wash/set it.
I asked Sally about getting the phone numbers for some local farms who sell their fiber. Sally gave me two numbers, but I wasn't able to get in touch with either of them. Then I remembered The Spinning Shop in Dahlonega. I called, got directions, and headed out on the 45 minute drive. It took me a little double-tracking to find it, but now I know what to look for.
It's on a homestead from the 1880's. The spinning shop was in a one-room wooden shack. She had ziplock bags of rovings in different sizes, colors, fiber contents clipped to the walls, hanging from the ceiling, and in tubs on the floor. There must have been a hundred baggies. She also had natural dyes and some knitting yarns and needles. It was very rustic but charming.
After I picked out my goodies, we went into the main house for a tour and to pay. She showed off her spinning wheels and a gorgeous tartan she had woven and fulled that week. It was stunning!. On Wednesdays, she has open spinning and dying at her house. The second Sunday of the month is open spinning in Dahlonega. (Yes, that's today, but I probably won't have a chance to go. The spinning is from 1-5, but Miguel and I have an appointment to look at a house at 4 pm.) I will definitely try to go sometime this summer.

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