Happy Sunday morning!
It's amazing, but we are having a second weekend day with sun! Gasp! This has really been a dreary winter in the Southeast. Yesterday we had a high of 60 degrees. Nice! Today should be about the same. 'Bout time. As a Leo, I definitely need the sunlight to feel good. Alaska? Forget it. I would have to get one of those specialized lights for SAD patients. No, I'll enjoy the sunshine from here, thank you very much. :)
Yesterday was a pretty productive day. I worked on my computer/knitting room. got rid of a few more boxes. I reassembled the cube unit that Miguel decided to to fall into and not use anymore. It was a real PITA to put together (both the first time and yesterday). Once I clean off my computer desk, more things will go on/in the cube unit.
While I was working away in this room, reorganizing, tossing, and putting the unit together (aka cussing), I was charging up my new toy. I bought a Palm Zire 21 from eBay for about a third of the regular price. I bought it last weekend, it shipped Tuesday, and I got it yesterday. I love it! I've already synced (is that a word?) my Yahoo! Calendar and my address book. I've played the free Hearts card game. I bought it to keep track of my calendar, mostly. In the fall, I'm beginning my education specialist degree, and I knew this PDA would be helpful.
I ordered a hard case for it yesterday. It will take a few days to get here. So, in the meantime, I am going to knit myself a cover using some homespun I have. It should just be the perfect amount to do this little project. I'll take a picture when it's finished.
In other exciting knit news, I've finished the back of Gyrid. I'm just about to begin the front design. Yippee! I also will have the following items coming to live with me. This Sirdar pattern, 20 x 50g SIRDAR SEA PEARL yarn, and Sirdar wash n wear double knit yarn 10 x 50 gram. I got some really good deals. Can't wait to turn them into some new finished objects!
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