Head cold.
Sorry. I'll try to do better.
Ahem. The beginning of school has gone really well, if albeit, mighty busy. I've had meetings out the wazoo almost every day last week (one day had three meetings!). My specialist degree has begun, and I've been doing homework for it (lots and lots of reading). I've finished two books, and I have just begun number three. I had hoped to have my journal article critique finished today, but with my ickiness, I'm not so sure.
We had PINS yesterday and had thirteen people come. A good time was had by all. I was working on a new poncho in light green wool and lace wight mohair held together. Mindless. That's all I can do at this point.
Dad goes in for esophagial cancer surgery on Tuesday. Miguel has another cardiac appointment Tuesday (rapid heart beats to be fixed surgically). I've not had any time to make my post DNC appointment due to sheer business (as in busy-ness).
Sniff. Cough.
Back to reading.