I went on a little bit of a book spree today. I found a very nice new magazine called Living Crafts. They have cute felt projects (an angel, a couple heart projects, little girl knitted pants (definitely for Anna), a knitted baby doll top I could actually look good in, and two play mats--one knitted and one felted). It also has a great list of toy manufactures in the states that used wood and other natural materials that I may check out. This is the premier issue, and I highly recommend it!
I also found the Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts. Nearly all the patterns are my taste. There are a pair of cable gloves that I will have to make! They are stunning! If you don't already have that issue, get it! I bought mine at B&N, but apparently you can't order it directly as they've sold out (unsurprisingly!).
One other thing that I bought was Teach Yourself Visually: Handspinning. I can never find spinning books on the shelves when I go to bookstores. Today I found one and have already devoured the first 39 pages. I really wish I could knit/spin whilst reading. I could get so much more done that way! One day I would love to get Color in Spinning, but I would have to special order it online. The book I bought today seems to have a lot of the techniques that I want to learn more about. It is neatly organized qith lots of pictures that really work well for my visual learning style.
Finally, I will leave you with a picture of Anna enjoying the snow we had on Saturday.

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