
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Hello from Florida!
I'm here in sunny Bradenton enjoying the wonderfully warm days. I got here Sunday, and already it's been a terrific visit with Mom and Dad. Miguel is in Mexico visiting his family (everyone went down there for Christmas this year), and he's having a good time, but ready to come home. I've got a friend staying at my place and looking after Tiger. I wanted to give a small update so no one thinks I have fallen off the face of the planet. :)
One funny-As I left the secured area of the airport, I saw Mom and waved at her. She didn't seem to recognize me until I was standing a few feet away from her. Seems she hadn't seen the pic of me on Tom's blog of my new haircut. It was a good thing that I wasn't wearing my contacts, or it would have taken her even longer to "see" me. lol I guess not having bangs really does make me look differently.
I did bring my knitting, of course. I'm almost finished with my poncho in Homespun (prarie). I've only got about 4 more rows to knit, and then I have to sew it together and add the fringe. Woohoo! I also brought along the Cul-de-sac vest from Knitters. It's slow-going while trying to read the charts and counting to make sure I've got my numbers right. So far (fingers crossed), so good.
I hope everyoen has a wonderful holiday! I'll check in a few times whilst away, so you can drop me a note and I'll get it.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Lazy Sundays are the best. It's been really grey, cold, and damp in these parts this weekend. I've got the smooth jazz station on the tv, and I'm taking a break from grading papers and watching the news. What a great Christmas present for our soldiers!
I have finished my Christmas knititng. Yippee! Now it's back to stuff for me. I also finished the pink sweater. All I have left is the seaming. Ick! Not my favorite part. So, instead of tackling that not-so-fun task, I have started a poncho. I'm using The Knit Stitch by Sally Mellville for the poncho pattern. I shopped the stash and dug out some Lion Pride Homespun in Prarie (browns and olives). It's pretty mindless knitting which is good for watching tv. I started this so I will have a warm poncho to wear at the soccer games this winter/spring. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

For the last couple of days, Blogger has not let me post. Let's try this again.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Here's who's been visiting my bird feeder.

I tried to keep them away and distracted with this:

It lasted about a week, but now it's missing. Time to put out the second cob. I have had a few birds like mourning doves and a pair of cardinals, but that's about it.