
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wanna hear something weird? Miguel and I have been looking for new furniture. We've found (but not yet bought) a headboard for our bedroom. We have bought a couch (ordered), loveseat, recliner, and a black cocktail table with three drawers. The sofa set is corduroy in a "butternut" color. We had looked at another store, put a 10 percent deposit on a set at another store. They told us that we could let them know on Wednesday if we didn't want it, and we would get our money back. Well, I called this afternoon, after Miguel had picked up the corduroy set, and told them that we didn't want it anymore and to please refund our money. They told us that they had already ordered it, it would be delivered tomorrow, and we would have to talk to the manager tomorrow. Umm... Don't think so. We were told by two people that we were not locked into the set. Grrr...Will have to listen for the cell phone tomorrow to talk to the salesperson, cashier, and manager. Grrr. From feast (not enough seating) to too much (potentially). Wish us luck!

The weird thing (yes, there's more), is that my sister and brother-in-law have gone out and purchased a new recliner, loveseat, and sofa. Bizarre-o!

On to knitting news. I took Daye and Maria to Yarn Garden today. They loved the store, Daye bought yarn, Maria bought an already knitted scarf in purple (what else), and they got to meet the owners. I brought my pink scarf, the first FO I ever made but never wear, to be donated for the KFO (Knitting for Others) project. They are collecting 100 pink scarves to sell and the proceeds will be donated to fight breast cancer. Cool, huh?

And, tomorrow FBHS will be having another bake sale to raise money for Relay for Life. Last month's sale netted $450!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Snow on April 24, 2005 at 9:00 AM. You can barely see the white specks against the bricks. Posted by Hello

Front of the Fresco sweater! 4.24.05 Posted by Hello

Order from Lamb's Ear. I've got nine balls of the Stone Cotton. Posted by Hello

Montera and Handpainted for a felted hat. Sorry the pattern title didn't show up. Posted by Hello

I went to the Yarn Garden in Lawrenceville, and I loved the cozy, two-room shop! The owner was friendly as she gave me a tour of the different sleving units and patterns she has. I can see this shop becoming my favorite!! They had lots of patterns and yarns I've never seen before. Here are pictures of my purchases.
I'm making the shell on the right with Fresco. I have ten balls but will probably only need. eight. Posted by Hello

This is an amazing little pattern book. The owner said it took her awhile to track it down so she could offer it in her shop. Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005

1 skein sleeves 4.2.05 Posted by Hello

Look what I got at Barnes and Nobel today! Posted by Hello