
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Friday, July 16, 2004

Hello from Florida!
I'm down here on my annual summer trip to see Mom and Dad. Poor Miguel has to work, and I've been spoiled rotten. Good food, pool time, clothes shopping (Chicos!!), reading, and knitting. I even got to go to a new (to me) knitting/needlepoint store in Sarasota called The Eye of the Needle. I bought some handmade birch needles and a hank of beautiful red silk yarn. It's yummy! At the Spinning Wheel, also in Sarasota, I picked up some stitch markers for my Charlotte's Web (still off on the pattern. Maybe markers will help. Grumble...). I also bought some more patterns and a couple skeins of Sirdar Snuggly Chunky in white. I've been knitting the first skein into a scarf for school It is so incredibly soft!  I return on Monday and will have pictures soon after.

Friday, July 09, 2004

It's been a busy week with very little knitting. I was down in Atlanta for three days at a High Schools that Work convention. It was great!! I have lots of new ideas and I have been inspired to try out some new techniques I learned.

Onto knitting! Check out this cool story!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Go check out the new summer Knitty! Woohoo!

Time for an actual knitting post. Woohoo!

First, here is my Dune scarf.

Next, this is an over the shoulder evening poncho which I bought at TKGA National Convention. I have about six more inches to go on the left (or right) side.

After I complete the length, I have to crochet the edge. Fun! Not!
I can't wait 'til it's finished. It feels like a cloud because of the shimmery fibers.

I bought this kit and yarn at the same convention.

Right now you can't see the lace patter. Once I block it, we will be amazed and delighted (hopefully!).

This is my Belly Along project. I am about to the armholes of Dale's Fuchsia.

It's s-l-o-w going, but will be amazing once finished.

I've started spinning again! Not with my wheel but with my drop spindle.

This is the Loopy Cowl from Stitch n Bitch using my homespun. It is very soft and will be very warm for the beginning of the soccer season (when I wear my knitted wool socks!).

You will see on the left that I have created a Yahoo Group called Knitters for W.