
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Here's a teaser about my purchases at the TKGA Convention Market until I post more later today:

Habu Textiles-100% bamboo/336 yards per ox/6.7 oz/$27.80

I'm not yet sure what to do with this yarn, but I couldn't leave it behind. It has a unique texture and sheen. The whole booth was filled with amazing, different yarns never-before imagined. They were packaged in tiny balls, but because the threads were so fine, the yardage was impressive for the size.

New Era Fiber Processing Company 4oz alpaca yarn reduced from $20 to $15/yards not listed

Lovely! Local! I would love to visit them (only 40 minutes away) and see their farm. They had beautiful skeins and swatches knit up. Their color selection was limited, though. I really do wish I had asked about the number or yards in the skein I bought.

Genuine Purl, Chatanooga, TN a shawl named Atlanta. I saw a finished shawl and fell in love. Theirs was made in a white colorway which they were out of. Silver is a great evening color on me, so I chose the one they had left in silver. I have some reservations about the pattern only because it calls for some crab stitching which I would have to learn (and will!). The finished shawl was as light as a cloud. The spaces between the stitches were filled with the polymide (I'm guessing) from the second yarn held with the first. Truly, I can find no words to adequately express its qualities.

Jade Sapphire Exotic Fibers
1 ball of yellow silk and lamb's wool. I can find no info on the web. The booth had them in boxes of four balls, and they had about 10 different colors. I skein of Cashmere(45%)/Silk(55%) 2-ply yarn in reds-to-purples. It has 350 yards/skein and is lovely to touch! I bought a lace scarf pattern from them to use for the red skein, but I might do it on something different.


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