
Knitting (and spinning! The Good, the Bad, and the UGLY)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hello from a rainy Flowery Branch!

Yesterday I went on a field trip with our NEGA SnB group. We caravanned to The Whole Nine Yarns in Woodstock. We also dined at the Serene Bean in the same coffee shop. Both locations were well-worth the trip!

I bought a few items. I picked up two Debbie Bliss books: Pure Cashmere and Pure Silk. They both have beautiful, classic patterns.

I also fell in love with a Colinette cardigan and bought the mohair yarn and pattern book to go with it. It's made in Pariseine yarn and the pattern is the St. Germain cardigan.

I also bought a few balls of Be Sweet yarns. I have already made a hat out of the bright pink yarn. I'm not crazy about it, unfortunately. It's a little long, but with the boucle, I'm not even going to attempt a redo.

I'll post more about my goodies another day. It's time to get Anna ready for bed.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It was back to work today. It is much colder here (try 25-degrees colder!) than it was this weekend. I'm glad it was warm because there was a lot ot do!

Friday night, the dinner at Aqua Terra was fabulous. There were eight of us, and we had a nice, liesurely dinner. Such good food and great company. Plus, it was nice not freezing by hiney off while walking to the restaurant from the car! Anna was so tuckered out from playing with Emily Grace (Daye's doggie) while I was out that evening that she actually slept the entire night. Amazing!

Saturday Anna and I made it to SnB in Gainesville. We stayed about two hours there before heading home. I was gifted with Jen's beautiful homespun Opptim (check out her blog to read about this wonderous fiber). I have decided to make the Show Your Colors Shawl from Spunky Eclectic with the Optim. I'm about 8 inches into the pattern, and I love the very slight color variations.

Sunday Anna and I went to a friend's daughter's first birthday party. Anna enjoyed playing with Megan's toys and watching all of the guests. She had lots of admirers!

Monday we stayed at home waiting for our new dryer to be bought and delivered by Miguel. The dryer is wonderful, but it has no manual for me to figure out all the neat features. We bought the Kenmore Elite H4 (in burnt orange from the Sears outlet), and it has been doing its share of drying already. Yippee! no more stiff air-dryed jeans that could stand up and walk out the door by themselves! Yeah for fluffy clothes.

In other news, I have the camera! (Now in reality, I haven't opened the camera bag to see if said camera is actually in it. Or if it is the same camera. Or if the memory card is still in it. Or batteries.) Any one of those situations would not surprise me. to come shortly.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hello from a warm and cozy bed. It is bedtime, but I am so very not tired. Which means I will be paying for it tomorrow. That's not good because I'm going out tomorrow evening. It's one of my best friend's 40th birthday. I'm going out to a dinner party at Aqua Terra in Buford. I've never eaten there, but I have always heard wonderful things. I must pour over the menu and see what to have.

Anna will be hanging out with Daye whilst I am out. Since I never know what time Miguel will he home, it's just easier to have this plan set up.

As for spinning and knitting, no updates there. I'm going to try to make it to the SnB chapter of the North East Georgia group. Depends on how Anna and I feel on Saturday morning.

We may be in our cozy bed!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I really have been having problems logging into Blogger using this new google system. I've been trying for 20 minutes to create this post. Grrr.


I went today to buy some hard toothed slicker combs at PetSmart. I needed some in order to begin spinning some dyed cottswald locks that I bought at Disdaff Day on Saturday from Wauka Mountain. Donna, who commented in my last post, was also interested in buying some. Donna and I realized that we had some SC history in common. Hi, Donna!

I had tried spinning the locks without brushing them out. Not pretty. So, today I was able to begin a bobbin of blue locks. It's slow going, but I knew it would be, and that's okay. I bought a pound and a half, but I have not clue what I will end up making with it.


Monday, January 08, 2007

Yesterday I spun some of the Ashland Bay Solid Merino Top from The Taming of the Ewe that I bought on Saturday at the Distaff Day. I've got nearly half a bobbin done, and I love the magenta color. Still no camera, or I would have pictures for you. Sigh.

I did get my recent order from Scout. I bought the Little Snuggs boot pattern for Anna. I need to make some of these as she can't seem to keep on her socks. :)

I also ordered some more roving. I joined the Spunky Eclectic Fiber Club. I saw that Pixie is part of it, too. In looking at her spun fiber and others from the club, I had to join. I think it will be really fun to get s nice surprise every month. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to need more fiber monthly.

Thank you for my first two comments. I hope there will be more, soon.

Have a great Tuesday!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hi everyone!

Anna says hi, too!

One of my goals for this year is to get back into blogging. I have missed everyone in Blogland. Being a mom is tough! Anna is now seven months old, and I'm sure I'll be chasing her all over the house very soon. She's not yet crawling, but I think it will come soon. In the meantime, I hope to get back into the habit of getting on the computer everyday to check blogs and update this one.

I have been knitting only a little. I received some great homespun for Christmas from Pixie. I made a cute little hat from it. I can't think of anything else to brag about in knitting. Sad, no?

I have, however, gotten my wheel dusted off and have been creating yarn again. I went to Distaff Day yesterday and had a blast. I rode with Claudia, Jen, and Shari. There were about fifty spinners (more maybe!) there and quite a few vendors. I bought some Optim, magenta wool roving, merino and silk, and a pound and a half of corriedale locks. Now, I need to get some carders or combs so I can dig into that!

Hopefully I'll be able to add photos. Miguel took the camera, and I'll be lucky if I ever see it again. Seriously. Really. It's that bad.

Mwah! See you soon!