I can't believe it's already Thursday. Busy week, and yet I didn't seem to get much done. We were supposed to have a couple of soccer games tonight, but with the cold rain, they were (thankfully) cancelled. With only a few hours of sleep last night, I am glad to be here at home.
When I was at my LYS, I fell in love with Fair Isle Sweaters Simplified. I bought it from WalMart.com, and it came in yesterday. Be-ute-i-ful! I am amazed by the sweater designs in here. It shows yarn color schemes that can be used for any sweater. Someday (soon) I'll try one of the sweaters in here.
WIP--Green TLC cardigan. I've got 20 more rows or so to go. I'll work on it a little tonight. I haven't worked on my socks since Monday.
On a side note, I was very saddened to hear of Mr. Fred Rogers passing away. I grew up watching him, so it feels like a little more of my childhood has slipped away. Another note, apparently Buffy the Vampire Slayer is ending the series this year. There might be a spin-off (fingers crossed!).