Is it Friday already?
I have been up to my neck in ESOL reports. My name must have been called at least five times over the PA at school yesterday. I swear, I'm going to STOP checking my box anymore. I called the ESOL county head and asked her "Are you trying to kill me?" when I got a report to fill out at 11 am Thursday morning. Then, the middle school which feeds our school had already sent their files through the courier. They did have the info available anymore. "Would you be willing to do the report for us?" So, as soon as these eight files arrive, I'll be filling out paperwork for them. Sigh.
All that being said, I was ready to DRINK last night. My bridal shower was so much fun!! I had (one...two...) six of my buddies from Johnson and nine of my Flowery Branch buds come to the party (I'm probably missing a bunch). We had munchies and margaritas! Maria makes the best margaritas!! We sat around chatting. Then I introduced everyone and opened gifts. More on them later. All were gorgeous and thoughtful! I have such amazing friends. grin
After the party, we went to Maria's to play cards. We sat on her back deck; the weather has been wonderful the last few days. We then went inside and played a round of "Screw Your Neighbor". It was getting dark so I headed home around 8:30pm. Long day!
On Memorial Day I went looking at houses. Miguel went with me on Wednesday to view the same houses. The one we both liked the best has four bedrooms (nice master and three small rooms), great sunlight in the afternoon, and a nice backyard. We started filling out bank forms YYUUCCKK!!. I've got to finish one today (between my school reports and actually cleaning my room) and fax that off. Plus, I have thank you notes to write for my friends at Flowery Branch. Another busy day.
But, it's Friday!