What a beautiful morning! It's 8:15 am and the temp is 55 degrees already. The sun is shining, the sky is Carolina Blue, and the birds are singing. Later, you can bet, the windows will be open. :)
Went to the LYS yesterday to pick up another circ for the Kil
im sweater. (Came home to find I had bought the needles to do 2 circ method when I had bought the yarn. DOH!) I also traded my stamped card for my free ball of yarn (up to a $10 value). I chose a purple skein of Noro Cash. Now I have a purple and a raspberry. I need a dark blue for contrast. Then, I can knit something up.
Talked to Mom yesterday morning. She called before I had a chance! She said she loves the birthday socks. They fit perfectly, and she loves the colors. Oh, I must remember to have Dad take a pic of them for me. His computer is well again, and he's now able to transfer his digital pictures to his computer. (Windows ME is really crappy, and it totoally screwed up his computer!)
WIP--Kilim sweater. I knit the cuff using my size 5 dpns. I transfered it to a single size 9 circ and figured out the "magic loop" method. (Again, I had two circs in the bag-o-yarn. sigh) Did six rows of pattern and noticed my colors were "off". I was off one stitch because of the increase at the beginning of the fifth row. Then, I noticed the cuff was too large. RIPPIT!
Redid the cuff in stockingette with fewer stitches. The directions are not written on a beginner-level. Looked again at the pictures and saw that all cuffs had k2p2 ribbing. RIPPIT! Now, I have the cuff again, 48 stitiches the cuff calls for but in k2p2 ribbing. Better. I'm about to start the border chart. I didn't quite get the color channging right the first time. I'm going to recopy the pattern, make it larger, and then I'll be able to see the red line which designates color changes. The way it works is 1 row of color A., 1 row of A and color 2, then B and 2, then B and 3, etc. Gotta pay attention!